Traditionally coaches have been successful athletes who have done well. They've retired from elite sport, and want to pass on their knowledge and experience to the next generation.

These coaches have a lifetime of experience. They know what it takes to get results, how their own coaches helped them achieve great things. They love their sport and keep up to date with the latest websites, blogs and generally staying in touch.

The thing is, their knowledge-base is limited to their personal experience, and these days that’s not good enough.

A Data Analyst CAN be a Cycling Coach

Data Driven coaches don’t need to rely on what they know and what has worked for them because they have access to the whole Worlds knowledge. A Data Analyst CAN be a Cycling Coach.

Have you ever been to your GP or Physician and noticed that despite having 10 years medical education and countless years of medical experience, he or she will often check with Google just to get the latest advice on your condition.

Peer Reviewed Cycling Training Research is Available Online

It’s the same with Sports coaching.

The latest research, theories and outcomes are published on line and peer reviewed. Not just by other academics or sports coaches, but by the athletes that rely on them to train and win. There are millions of pieces of data published daily that expand our knowledge of sports training.

Modern software makes it possible to use this universe of data and apply it to manage training more efficiently than ever before and without needing a lifetimes experience in the sport.

Cycling Analytics Makes it Easy to Get Great Results

When you train with data you can measure your performance, compare it with your past performance and that of your peers, plot your progress against your goals, measure your recovery and continue with your training plan or adjust it as required.

Data Driven Coaching has been around for years in Elite Sport but now the collection and analysis costs are now so low that everyone can benefit whatever their budget and aspirations.

My goal is to show you the way.